I’ve been thinking about all the amazing people I know here in Edmonton who are doing great things – their own way. People who see opportunities to make things better, then find creative and effective ways to go for it. I’d like to start talking about them more, and about the unconventional ways they’re doing good.

So – I’m going to start a project about it. I’ll make a list, and explore each Do-Gooder in turn. I’ll need your help with it, so tell me:

  • Who should I include? I’d also like to know if you disagree with any of my list choices, and why.
  • How should we pursue this? Profiles? Interviews? Some sort of do-gooder Proust-questionnaire? Other ideas?
  • Should we focus on individuals, or initiatives? For example – I could profile Mack Male individually, or I could highlight the What the Truck?! event he plans, or both. What do you think?

Here are some examples:

I’ve already received a ton more great suggestions than I have included here, but I don’t want to make this post a mile long. I’ll find another way to post a full list as we go along.

Some ground rules:

  • No charity. Not that there’s anything wrong with charity, but it’s designed to pick up the pieces when the system fails. I’m looking for people who are finding unconventional and self-sustaining ways to make the system work better.
  • Edmonton metropolitan area only (for now). Better to start local, with people and events I have direct access to.
  • Let’s try to focus on people who’ve accomplished something tangible. People who are doing things that seem to be good ideas, but who haven’t had much impact yet might be awesome folks, but unproven. In line with the Savvy Do Gooder philosophy, let’s make demonstrable results, rather than good intentions, the focus.

And we’re off! This should be fun 🙂